Thursday, October 28, 2010


                As for my opinion, the engage, empower and enhance model is one of effective ways in making teaching and learning session more better. From these model, we can elicit students prior knowledge about the topics related. This can be done by in the engage part. For the empower model, we can show the suitable or appropriate experiment thus promoting the use of data logging to the students. This can help the students to understand better about how to design an experiment and getting the accurate result. The question that are set in the empower model may test the students about the topics and from that we can see how far the students understand about the experiment conducted and its relationship with the topics related. The most important part is the enhance part. In this part, the students will be showed and will be asked about an everyday life situation that can be seen in around them and the application of the topic studied in the situation. At this part, we can enhance the creative thinking skill of the students.
                There are some values as well as difficulties of implementing these model. From these model, we can elicit the prior knowledge of the students about the topic than been teach thus, we can identified any of their misconceptions about the topic. From these model, we can help them to generate their ideas and also fix their misconceptions. In order to do that, the teacher need to be more creative and effectively in order to generate ideas to elicit the student knowledge. It is quite difficult for the teacher because it is not easy to create a situation and  the teacher should think the way the students think in order to make the taching and learning process achieve the goal through the Engange, Empower and Enhance model.
                The use or data logging in conducting an experiment is more better than using the manual methode. The students will be more interested in conducting the experiment as it is easier and they can get the more accurate data compared to the manual methode. The simulation and modelling also might help the students to understand the topics easier. As for the simulation, the students can see and visualize the process that are complicated and cannot be seen by the naked eyes. While for the modelling, they can increase their understanding about the topics as it contain many different variables and at the same time it is easier for the teacher to teach them.
                Although  there are many benefits in intergrating the use of data logging, simulation and modelling, they also might be some problems occured. When the students are too rely on the use of data logging, they  might lost they skills in designing the graph and also using other apparatus such as thermometer as they are many sensors provided to detect the changes. It will be difficulties for the school in the rural area to use this tool kit because the condition of the classroom might be not suitable enough with lack of facilities such as the LCD, laptop and internet. Thus the teacher need to use conventional way in the teaching and learning process. At the same time, not all the teachers are use with the application of ICT thus, the teaching and learning process will be the same all the time.
I suggest that the Ministry of Education and otehr responsible party need to work together and think how to solve the problems especially involving the lack of ICT facilities in the schools from the rural areas. The teachers should also be trained to use the application of ICT so that they can use the tool while teaching in the class.

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